Week of 6/10/24

by Nick

Posted on June 15, 2024

I havent written in a couple weeks for a few reasons. First, we had a trip to Houston the week of May 22nd and then Tiff was at an NDT training in Houston the following week, so I was single parenting and fairly busy. We did get to see a lot of people we hadn't seen in a long time and had a really good time. Going back to Texas is always a lot of conflicting emotions for me. I wrote a post while I was in Texas to try and capture some of those things but its something that I am still working on and hope to write some more about in the future. I feel very attached to the people there and the familiar places but there is a constant undercurrent of fear and anxiety. Like there is a fight or flight mechanism telling me that I need to get away. Anyway, a great time but conflicted as well.

Impactful This Week

  • Alex Hormizi on Tom Bilyeu | Debunking Success: Alcohol, Laziness & Social Media Addiction Isn't Holding You Back
    • 2:00 Starving the bad habits
    • 3:42 beliefs that hold people back- their perceptions of others reactions that havent happenend yet.
    • 7:27 behaviors people are doing that are destructive and what do we replace that with. Inaction, fear of others perception of your failure. Tom - you get to choose what you build your self esteem on
    • 24:23 doing the work/formula is what matters, first principles
    • 31:54 extinction curve - you may be the labron james of door knocking but you will never know if you dont knock on enough doors (5 doors vs 1000 doors), operationalizing if someone else can do these behaviors and get good results thenI likely can as well, what are the behaviors!
    • 35:10 sadness comes from a perceived lack of knowledge which is why it feels like hopelessness. If it comes from a perceived lack of options you solve that with knowledge. Its an ignorance problem which means its solvable which gives me something to do.
    • 35:41 anxiety is the opposite of sadness. Anxiety results from too many options which means you are lacking priorities. You solve sadness through knowledge, you solve anxiety through decisions.
    • 37:32 your life is an exact reflection of your choices. You are not a victim and even if you are it does not help you to think that way
    • 1:29:39 Alex first viral video - scaling the entrepreneur. Used to believe entrepreneurs are limited by skills, character traits, and beliefs. Now believe character traits are trainable which makes them a skill. Beliefs are responses which can be trained which means its a skill. It all comes down to skills. Some are harder to define (ie. charisma) because its a bucket of ~ 50 skills but it still a skill. When someone has a great vibe its a assortment of little behaviors (skills) that person is doing well.
    • 1:41:26 When you start a business (or do anything) you need to know what your goal is, your north star that is guiding everything. A person/customer or goal that will make all of the effort worth it.
  • Mary Karr on Tim Ferriss {update episode number} | #745 Rick Rubin and Mary Karr
    • 31:10 Your experiences are influenced by who you are "you remember through a filter of who you are"
    • 1:03 Inability to write a boring sentence. Poetry of Texas language and storytelling.
    • 1:11 Revision - How can I make this sentence less boring, more interesting, more colorful, more true
    • 1:19 Trying to occupy a former self in your writing


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